Arghaa HR Technologies flagship division of Arghaa HR Solutions LLP is a Management Business Process Organization managed by highly stupendous professionals from across industries, is bound towards facilitating Organizational Renovation, Managing Human Side Changes eventually creating.
Arghaa Hr Technologies, Flat no1, shreenath apartment, sevilimedu


Contribution of women in business world

In the present scenario women are more and more moving out of their comfort zone and are trying things that no one ever fathomed.   At present 224 million women are impacting ...

How to make the most of digital era?

Processing employee benefits may seem daunting during the tax season, however we are in a time where tax becomes routine, corporates brace themselves to enact an intense payroll sc...

What is Employee Experience and how to handle it?

In the recent trends it is important that the HR start learning about the latest buzword: The Employee Experience.    An article in explains th...

How to conduct review meetings

It is not only the employees who are jinxed about review meetings, but also the managers who do the review.    Many a time managers suffer from appraisal anxieties like e...

How to increase your chances at appraisal meet?

Many of us despite performing to our best and giving more than the desired results still don't get the proper appraisal that we feel we deserve, but a few employees always get a 5 ...

Personality is more important than marks to be successful

We have all been made to believe that the one who scores the most in the class is more likely to be successful in life. However, a recent survey suggests that personality plays a b...

Why more people prefer social sector recently?

Why more people prefer social sector recently?   Social sector which was once considered as retirement plan is now seen as challenging and exciting.   In the present scen...

The role or social media in recruiting

It is an undeniable fact that the digital revolution has somewhat altered every aspect of our lives and talent acquisition is no different.    The past decade has seen th...

Technology advancement: Boon or Bane?

With more advancement in technology, the future looks bright for the combined forces of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. Each technology is a blockbuster and ...

Ten things HR should change

There are few things in the present era which the HR People should redesign and Redefine. An article in recommends a few points that people in HR can mak...
