In the recent trends it is important that the HR start learning about the latest buzword: The Employee Experience.
An article in explains the lingo of these trendsetters and dissect some of the key jargon associated with Employee Experience.
Employee Life Cycle (ELC): At each stage throughout the Employee Life Cycle, the HR team has its own set of responsibilities, management expectations and challenges to address, but it’s important for HR to continuously improve their process at each stage to better the success of their employees.
You would be missing the key point by thinking that EX = ELC. As you continue reading it will be clear that, that EX is the responsibility of each leader and manager within an organization
Employee Value Proposition (EVP): A well-formed EVP is what sets your apart from the competition to attract talent whose goals and values are in alignment with your organizational goals and values and aids to engage and retain existing talent. The key is to communicate this value to employees so that they are aware of what's being offered and can appreciate it.
Voice of Employee (VoE) : VoE programs can play a significant role - by making it possible to thoroughly collect, manage, and act on feedback from employees on diverse topics. What’s important is to know the behavioral drivers behind employee feedback.
While it’s an essential part of EX, but VoE is just a sub-set. Because only by connecting the EX and CX you can get a complete picture of what is really going on and why. Moreover, without the know-how of this connection, you will not be able to gauge the impact of employee engagement on the bottom line.
Now to define Employee Experience, It is the sum of the various opinions employees form based on their interactions with the organization along with their employee journey.
The next big challenge for HR and employers is to design a workplace that meets the needs of a digitally empowered employee persona. By using technology and design thinking techniques, HR can make work faster, easier and streamline processes to make employees feel more independent, valued and productive.
Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic had well summarized EX and its importance in his statement.
'So, my philosophy has always been, if you can put staff first, your customer second and shareholders third, effectively, in the end, the shareholders do well, the customers do better, and yourself are happy.'