Want to work post retirement?
Have you ever thought about what you would do once you cross the standard retirement age? Would you want to keep working? If you thought that you would get a job with all your know...
Common mistakes made by entrepreneurs
With steady growth in the digital market place, entrepreneurs with the right tools can make a mark and develop their business. However, making even the smallest of the mistake can ...
What one should not do to be successful?
People may have difference of opinion in any issue, but success is the one aspect that everyone agrees upon. While most people look for what successful persons have done to achieve...
Break the rules
Too much of soup can spoil the soup. This can also be compared to the number of rules implemented in a company. Too much restriction, dos and dont's in a working environment has be...
Work away from office for better results
Stop making your employees work at office, yeah! you read that right. Results of a survey published in inc.com suggests that working away from office actually increases t...
It's That Easy: 5 Simple Habits That'll Make People Like You More
When we’re still children on the playground, we begin learning one of life’s most beneficial skills: the ability to play well with others. That trait continues to reap ...
7 Mistakes Successful People Don’t Make Again
Success often comes from the knowledge and experience you receive when you make mistakes. We are human and are bound to make mistakes—and in that moment, when nothing seems t...
Which category are you?
Of all the researches and developments made in the recent past, we are still lagging behind in exploring the actual potential and nature of human beings. A simple experiment by res...
Communication, no more a problem
A good leader is one who can communicate well with others. Communication skills are powerful tools that come in handy at any point of life. An article in inc.com gi...
Are you a good listener?
How good a listener are we? A majority of us tend to rate our listening skills far higher than they actually are, so to say. For instance, listening in real sense boils down to few...