Stop making your employees work at office, yeah! you read that right. Results of a survey published in suggests that working away from office actually increases the productivity.
'A flexsurvey of 3,100 professionals found that only seven percent reported they were most productive when working in the office,' it was mentioned in the site.
More than 50 percent of the people prefered to work form anywhere but in office. The reason behind this is people feel that remote work gives them better opportunity to floruish than being watched by some one constantly.
The survey has also ended the idea that teams must work together in person to achieve something.
Focus is the first major aspect which is important for being productive. 'With an average 11 minutes between interruptions, it takes as long as 25 more minutes to return and refocus on the original tast. And the popular open-office trend is no panacea to productivity,' the site mentioned.
Giving the flexibility that the employee needs will get things done in a seting that yields more result.
How can one be productive when one does not enjoy or feel happy with job. Respondents see the remote opportunities to escape from the stressful office politics.
The site also mentiond 'A work atmosphere of your choosing paves the way for more free time, more productivity, and more happiness.'
People working from home do not miss out on vital communication courtesy to video meetings and chat apps that connect them with others.
Remote working will also improve the loyality of the employees, suggested the survey.