Changes You Can Make to Reach Your Full Potential
Only you know what you are truly capable of. Are you working toward that? We have always wanted to reach our full potential and abilities and abilities. Although w...
Improve Your Listening Skills
Ho, a silly question! Have you ever been interrupted? How do you feel when it happens? Most people say they feel frustrated and disrespected by the other person. Psychologica...
Improve Your Feedback Skills
It’s easy to give good feedback to your staff. You enjoy it, they enjoy it, you both get a lot of good feelings from it. What if the feedback is not so good? How do you deal ...
Kurt Lewin’s Ideas for Change Management
As We step out of the house the other morning, the chill in the air made us groan, as we had forgotten to cover our windscreen on the car overnight. Sure enoug...
Why Change Is So Hard
n ‘The Heart of Change’, John Kotter and Dan Cohen report on a study they conducted with Deloitte Consulting. Having interviewed over 400 people from more than 130 comp...
When Does Change Happen? Here’s The Formula
We came across an interesting equation fora management recently, and it clarifies why some change management programmes fail and others succeed. It was developed by Dave Gleicher a...
The Antidotes To Change Resistance
Here are four techniques can lessen the emotional and cultural challenges of achieving strategic transformations in organisations. So many market dynamics affect the way busin...
Kotter’s Eight Phases of Change
In today’s business world, the ability to lead change has become one of the most fundamental skills needed by managers in successful organisations. John Kotter found through ...
The Principles Of Change That Really Work
Change really is the only constant, so how can you give yourself and your team a better chance of success when going through the ups and downs that change can produce? Here are som...
Eight Steps to Change Management
John Kotter’s book ‘A Force for Change’ highlighted some key areas that help us to identify why change can fail and what to do about it. He suggests there are a n...