Latest Labour Law Judgments October 2020
Reported Labour law judgments at a Glance Oct 2020 Declining maternity leave to a contractual employee penalizes her to becoming a mother. 2020 LLR 814 DELHI HIGH COURT...
EPFO: big relief to employees, new facility from 30th Sept
According to this initiative, whenever an employee retires on the same day, his/her pension will be ready from the same day and will be started. This arrangement is considered to b...
Latest Labour Law Judgments Sep 2020
Reported Labour Law Judgments June, July, August 2020. An experience certificate, by an unauthorized officer, does not create an employer-employee relationship. 2020 LLR 606 MADRAS...
Latest Labour Law Judgments May & June 2020
Reported Labour law jugdments May & June 2020 at a glance. Glorified designation and high salary will not exclude a senior manager to be a 'workman' under Industrial Disputes A...
Brief of S.O 320 (E) dt 9/4/1997- Supporting Reduction of PF Contributions from 12% to 10% for the Month of May, June July 2020
Shared based on the recent Govt Notification No 1352 dt May 18 2020 – PF Contribution reduction from 12% to 10% for the Period May, June July 2020. Therefore, in exerci...
Latest Labour Law Judgments April 2020
Reported Labour Law Judgments April 2020 at Glance. Sexual harassment is an affront to the fundamental rights of a woman. Supreme Court 355 Transfer of a low paid employee to a far...
13 Facts about Gratuity Act
13 facts one should know about Gratuity Act in India!! Some Basics about Gratuity: • Gratuity Act is applicable to all establishments, where number of employees, are 10 or mor...
Latest Labour Law Judgments March 2020
REPORTED JUDGMENTS AT A GLANCE March 2020 Assaulting, threatening and using filthy language for senior official will justify workman’s dismissal. Mad. HC 277 Accident c...
Latest Labour Law Judgments February 2020
REPORTED JUDGMENTS AT A GLANCE FEBRUARY 2020 Dismissal of a workman for misappropriation of money is justified. Supreme Court 119 One who breaches a bond has to pay damages as stip...
Latest Labour Law Judgments January 2020
Reported Labour Law Judgments at a Glance Jan 2020 Rs.25 lakh as compensation to complainant for sexual harassment, loss of reputation & emotional distress etc.MP HC 40 A worke...