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How to be happy at work

t is not a good sign when you always end up talking bad about your job. It's an easy trap to fall in to, but it can be prevented as this may affect the life outside office. 
* Set time aside every day to write down the achievements that you have made during the day.  
'Your team members and clients are too busy to notice your daily victories, so it’s important to take a brief moment for self-congratulations,' says William Arruda, author of Ditch, Dare, Do: 3D Personal Branding for Executives. 
This will boost your confidence and don't hesitate to write down any achievement, however small it may seem. 
This short activity can give you a feel-good boost and help reinforce that you were productive.
* Before you leave home from office, prepare yourself for tomorrow. Streamline and schedule and review what you have done today and what should be done tomorrow. 
This will make you feel less burdened as you will exactly know what you are supposed to do the next day. 
* Organise things at your home, this will make you feel that you are in control. 
This does not necessarily mean that you have completely clean everything, but at least try to put things in place instead of just dumping it all in one place. 
* Start scheduling things that you will look forward too. This will make you to have something to look forward to. You have to set yourself up for 'happiness success'. 
Meet up with a friend or family member. Start taking a class. It could even be diving into a good book. It doesn’t have to be anything big, and you don’t have to spend money. Just be intentional about consistently taking time to do something you’ll truly enjoy. 
We have much more ownership over how our days play out than we think. Sure, there are going to be off ones where you’re thrown super random and sometimes downright discouraging curveballs.
But for the most part, you’re in charge. When you take back control of the wheel, you can start to steer it in a more positive direction and end each day on a happy note.