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To quit or not to quit?

One of the perennial debates that always rages, is the one between quitting or continuing.

Every other employee at one point or the other, would have certainly asked oneself if it was better to put papers or continue with what one was doing.

While a majority of career experts mostly vouch for the significance of jumping jobs, others find it a suicidal move, especially if the existing work is poised for growth. Now, here we present to you a few situations which if felt compelling enough, can incite one to leave one's current job.

First, if you wish to quit the dreary corporate world in order to pursue your creative ambitions, then please. There are no second thoughts. There is no point in sticking to a job, which, according to you, does not excite you. This does not always mean the end of your professional growth. It can always be a break, after which you can come back to continue from where you left. And do not worry. People will always sympathise with the ones who have fire burning inside, only to be extinguished in front of a computer system.

Next, the one question that you ought to ask yourself is, am I happy?

Happiness, although a relative term is highly important to ensure the well-being of an individual at the workplace. Most of us do not understand the significance of being happy with the job we do. Yes, everyone works for the money that comes with the work. But this too comes with a price.

The salary that is credited at the beginning of each month, should not be a compensation for the sufferings we endure all through the month. It should rather be a reward for the efforts we willingly put in. If it is the first case, then it is high time for the employee to hang up one's boots in the said place.

So it has been five years since you joined, and the job profile has not changed one bit. Rather, there is not much of a difference between what what you learnt in the first year, and what you are learning now. Experts say, this is an important reason to call it a day with the current job.

As the popular blog puts it, “If you aren’t continually expanding your skill set and adapting to new technologies and processes, you will become an undesirable candidate for advanced job placement in the eyes of all employers”.

It also goes on to say that an employee's career progression relies heavily on his or her ability to master new skills. Moving on, no self-respecting or a passionate individual can put up with restrictions imposed on him or her. And a majority of us tend to compromise with our beliefs, just for the sake of being allowed to continue with the job. However experts round the world say, this will do the person no good, as once he or she suppresses creativity time-and-again, it will kill the self’s motivation to work. This will bear a negative impact all around.

It is this aspect termed ‘pigeonholing’, that is elaborated by marcandangel. The blog’s post reads,“If your employer classifies or categorizes you in a way that inhibits your ability to grow, it’s time to take immediate action.  Pigeon holing means that your employer has set up boundaries around you.  These boundaries restrain you from moving around within the company.  Usually motivated by the inaccurate perception management has concerning an employee, these perceptions are usually all that matters when promotion time comes around”.
