You have just finished college. Armed with a degree in hand, you have just been pushed to the big bad world of the job market. Where do you start from? What is your next step?
Any fresher is sure to be bombarded with a hundred questions to self. This, being the most crucial time of his or her life, every step one is to take , ought to be carefully done. So for your benefit, here are few tips to ensure you are job-ready and are raring to go, right after your last semester.
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, colleges and universities are projected to award more than 950,000 associate degrees, 1.8 million bachelor’s degrees, 817,000 master’s degrees, and 180,000 doctor’s degrees in 2016.
In this situation, how do you ensure that you are unique and are towering above the rest?
First, make sure your resume is well-prepared, and most importantly, updated. Also, your curriculum vitae should have all your major accomplishments enlisted. Next, in this day and age, social media has crept into every aspect of life, so much so, it could also be a potential job-maker or job-breaker.
So do a thorough check of your online profiles, and remove anything that might remotely offend your future employer. Networking is also equally important. At times, a job referral might be the only thing you would want at that point of time.
So maintain good terms with all, and be updated with the details of those who are hiring.
Make frequent visits to the websites of various companies. This is important because a majority of firms make a listing of the openings present only on their official sites. When it comes to interviews, be on your best behaviour.
There is no necessity to show attitude to a person who is likely to offer you a job in his or her company. Be confident, but don’t overdo it. Another equally important point is to maintain eye-contact with the interviewer. Pay attention to your posture too, do not slouch, nor sit erect. Be seated in a comfortable position and be relaxed.
Dress appropriately for the session, do not wear flashy clothes, nor ill-fitting ones. Remember, the first impression is the best impression.
Also, do your homework well before the interview. It would be uncomfortable for both the employer and yourself, if you have fumble for words when questioned about the job profile or the company’s history and operations. At the same time, keep ready with you a set of questions, that might come of use.
Before this, when applying for the job, many of us tend to undermine the significance of an effective cover letter. During the job trial stage, most of us keep a standard letter which we just prefer replacing the name of the company each time. This is a strict no-no. Personalise the cover letter for each firm, only then would it indicate a sincerity in your application. Remembers, managers are smart enough to find out if was a lazy attempt at applying, or some thought has actually gone into the writing of the application.
Next, never sound desperate. Such an attitude will do you no good, as you might come across as someone who would be ready to do anything to land the job. At the same time, this is not to mean that you should act pricey. Maintain the right balance between both the worlds.
Last, ensure you discuss all the terms and conditions of the job right at the interview session itself. Do not make a fuss of the package and related details, after the offer letter is made. Happy job hunting!