Everyone of us compete in this world for almost everything, be it education, sports, work or anything for that matter.
We all always want to do something better than the others, but in reality smart achievers help others win which has an indirect impact on the speed of the result achieved.
In an article published in success.com, the author says that the principle 'Give value: Do more than is expected' is the foundation of his success.
The author explains the idea with the example of an presentation.
'Often when I’m making a presentation, I’ll facilitate input. If someone says something that is very valuable, I have two choices: I can gloss over it by saying something like “that’s a good idea,” and then spout my ideas, or I can have a much greater impact with my audience—and especially with that individual—if I compliment the person and encourage him or her to share more,' the author says.
By doing this the author says he feels that he learns something new and gains the trust and respect of the others, it also boosts the confidence of the person who put forths the idea and it also enlightens the audience.
It is suggested to embed this philosophy in life to get better results. 'To be the best, have the best and deliver the best results, you must be completely comfortable and confident that you will win when you help others win.'