There are many ingredients in life that can lead to winning ways. While most of them are well known and are often talked about, the impact of collaboration is down played.
Being a team player is one of the most important qualities that is required to be successful.
While most people know and talk about collaboration very few implement it in real life.
'Being a collaborative partner doesn’t mean you have to give up being an independent pioneer. It means that you have the skills, knowledge and experience that will improve any team effort,' says an article in
There are a few techniques that can help to improve collaboration.
The first of them is to trust and listen to your gut instinct.
It is one of the biggest qualities of successful people to go by what the intuition says and transfer that idea to the team.
Gut feeling cannot always differentiate right from wrong, however it is an important decision making tool.
'An expanding body of research from a number of fields—including economics, neurology and cognitive psychology—confirms that intuition is a real form of knowledge. It’s a skill you can develop and strengthen— one that’s particularly valuable in the most chaotic, fluid business environments, when you must make critical, high-pressure decisions at a moment’s notice. At such times, intuition usually beats rational analysis,' said Renee and Don Martin, authors of The Risk Takers: 16 Women and Men Who Built Great Businesses Share Their Entrepreneurial Strategies For Success.
Always be ready to take on more responsibility than what is assigned to you.
In a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, researchers found that people who go an extra-mile on any team will have an positive impact on the performance of the team.
'Even a single extra-miler in a vital position plays a more important role in driving team processes and outcomes than all the other members,' the study states.
A successful business man is always creative and never lets down the free thinking spirit in him.
'A business has to be involving— it has to be fun. And it has to exercise your creative instincts,' said Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin groups.
One of the major advantages of working in a collaboration is that you can always ask for help whenever you are struck somewhere.
Even when you are the leader, if there is something that you don't know you should not even hesitate to ask your juniors, this only only make you humble and smart enough to learn more things about your business.
All these tips not only help during a collaborative effort, they always help you grow as an individual business man and an independent pioneer.