You will not be pushed to your limits if you stay with a single job in which you are comfortable.
But shifting jobs is not an easy task, and the role of resume becomes very important now.
Your resume should be something that impresses your next employer and gives an clear idea of what is your potential.
In the digital era, resume still has not lost its significance. While online platforms like Linkedin remains a semi-public tool, employers prefer resume as it will be tailored for a specific job.
For your resume to be more presentable and attractive it is advisable to use numbers, for it makes it easier for employers to understand things and put things in perspective.
Try to keep your resume in less than two pages and make sure you include only the best stuff.
Make sure that you have a properly structured sentence to convey your achievements simply. This will be easier for the employer to understand what is your capability.
It’s very important that your writing is grammatically correct and accessible. Unfortunately, even if grammar is not your strong point (and you have plenty of others), bad sentence structure can make you look unprofessional.
Unless you are applying for a creative job, it is advisable not to get too creative with your resume.
To add a personal touch to your resume you can find the name of the recruiter and can directly address it to them. You can also attach a small statement to your resume to show the human side of you.
Once you send a resume and you don't get a response you can always send a follow up letter to let the employer know that you exist.