Is the glass half-empty or half-full. This might probably be one of the most popular analogies ever, for it subtly puts across the significance of having a positive attitude in life.
Being optimistic is a highly underrated quality in today's world. According to a popular HR expert, a positive attitude assumes all the more importance in a corporate world, where deadlines and targets are the order of the day.
Here, we present to you how to inculcate this stance in day-to-day life.
The first task on hand is to put efforts towards alleviating negative thoughts.
A common mistake a majority of a majority of us make, is to never relieve ourselves off the thought.
That thoughts are powerful, and can make or break the soul is well-known. But unfortunately, we do not put that knowledge into practice. One major lesson in personality development is to get rid of those thoughts and feelings that make us uncomfortable. What happens when we fail to do this?
Constantly thinking of activities or tasks that are unpleasant can lead to the same getting imbibed in the self, thus eventually becoming a part of our subconscious mind. While this might not seem to be all that dangerous, what personality experts feel is that, over the course of time, the 'unpleasantness' takes over the self.
"This leads to the person coming across as a sad and depressed individual, with no interest in life. Overall, it will set him or her apart from the group, as the concerned 'pessimists' would not be contributing anything to their betterment of their organisation", they say.
Another disadvantage of being negative is, we convince ourselves to believe that nothing good would come our way. This, according to many, soon turns to a vicious cycle, as we begin to expect only failure, and ultimately, that is all we end up with.
So how exactly does one shed the 'negative' tag? Positive and healthy thinking is the key to success in this mission. For, thinking that we would be getting something positive, even it turns out to be otherwise, may help the inner mind to channelise positive energy. This works wonders, say motivational speakers.
"Each time we expect something positive and end up failing at it, the one final time that turns out to be success, will not be seen as a miracle. Instead, it will be encouraging, making us give a self-pat, that this is what we had expected anyway. In the long run, this healthy thinking becomes a habit and makes us trust ourselves, rather than resorting to the perennial wait of hoping to win", they state.
Going by the above analysis, believing oneself is the first step in developing a positive attitude.
While this is one factor, another equally important step is to begin replacing the negative thoughts with positive ones. Sounds difficult? While it might certainly be tough in the initial stages, over a period of time, it would turn out to be easy and an enriching experience.
What should be done is to replace each bad, sad or pessimistic thought with a positive one. Many would argue that this is practically not possible, as this will do nothing to change the unpleasant situations that will continue to crop up on an everyday basis. True, we agree that this will not change the ground reality. However, what it will do is it will bring about a change in the individual's perception of the same scenario.
For instance, an event that always led to disappointment on earlier occasions, might not seem that bad on a new level. As in, while the situation will not change, your reaction to the what had happened will change, for the better.