The one aspect of work that every employee looks forward to, is the appraisal. He or she works all year around, only with the expectation that their efforts would reflect during the appraisal time. So what happens when the same does not go according to the worker had originally planned?
Disappointment during appraisal can do the company no good, as it tends to throw the employee into despair, thus rendering him or her unproductive. Hence, identifying the right kind of individual for promotion and perks is highly important for any organisation. Here is a quick buck analysis that would help in throwing more clarity on this.
One of the first lessons in managing a team is to understand the difference between commanding power and commanding respect. Sounds the same? But no, there is a whole world of difference between the two seemingly similar terms. Here is an example- Mr X is a senior manager at the firm. He is in charge of about 70-80 team members who work directly under him. All the key resources are at his disposal, in addition to the power to decide and determine. So while this seems like an ideal set up, what sets him apart from others is that, he commands virtually no respect. As in, his subordinates tend to respect him only for his position, and not for what he is. This leads to the scenario of , “power without status”.
Formal organisational power is of no use to an individual unless it is backed up with status. Failing which, it becomes “high power but low-status”.
So one of the crucial points that tend to get missed by many managements during appraisal, is to be careful in choosing those candidates who are ‘respected’ by their subordinates and others. This, according to HR experts, will ensure a productive environment at the workspace, as employees tend to work better and harder, when they have a healthy equation with their seniors.
A majority of those in the managerial level argue that targets are the decisive factors, when it comes to selecting people to lead. While this is certainly important, it is equally beneficial to ensure that the candidate enjoys a considerable following among his juniors. The management should therefore not just make their decision based on whether he or she is capable of meeting work-related deadlines, it should also ensure that the said person has a good reputation among co-workers.
“This is key to a conducive workspace as deadlines can always be met with the help of various factors, but it is tough to find someone with whom, others are ready to work with”, says the HR of a popular firm.
This is also a crucial lesson for managers, so to say. Mistreatment of employees is a common mistake many of those in the top echelon tend to make. This, although might not be significant on a daily basis, can prove to be costly in the long run.
Not treating your subordinates right, or not giving them their due, will turn out to be suicidal during appraisal period. As during this time, this is one factor that is increasingly being noticed by bosses. If they were to find that a particular person does not evoke positive reactions from the fraternity, and is hated by a majority of workers, the chances of being promoted are less, even if he or she is efficient at work. This is also a key reason to look out for, if one is denied a hike in position or compensation. The one who eventually climbs up the ladder might be less capable, but the respect he or she commands from the rest of the team, is what has set them apart.