Dealing with the uncertainties of life can cause stress and anxiety. When it comes to change, we may not always be able to control the outcome, but we can control our response to it.
This is where resilience comes into play and it gives you the tools to bounce back from tough situations and thrive in the face of challenges.
Here we list a few points which will help you deal uncertainity.
* Let Go
The first step to dealing with uncertainty is to accept that we can’t control everything. Recognise that there is only so much you can do right now—and that makes you human, not powerless.
Things will unfold soon enough. In the meantime, the way you treat yourself is in your control, so be kind!
* Envision the Best
We often try to spare ourselves from disappointment by thinking through how things could go wrong. However, research in cognitive behavioral therapy shows that people tend to overestimate the risks and negative consequences that may result from a situation.
That leads to a lot of anxiety, or worse—sets us up for failure. Beginning something by worrying about the outcome can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Try imagining the best possible scenario.
* Reflect
The psychological concept of 'hindsight bias' says that we tend to create the illusion that everything in our past was certain, when in reality, it was once uncertain.
The fact that you stand here now is proof that you are strong enough to make it through. Take time to think and reflect on what helped you before. Write it down—and then read it when your worrisome thoughts start to take hold.
* Keep Moving
A little uncertainty can be healthy as it activates the sympathetic nervous system—our 'fight or flight' response—which gives us a jolt of energy and mobilises us to take action.
When this response makes us too anxious, however, it can have the opposite effect and be paralysing.
* See the Possibility
Always see the possibility of a situation before you. Instead of thinking that you stand before a blank slate, imagine that you can write anything you want on that slate. Remember why you made this shift in the first place and be proud of yourself for making a move—no matter how it turns out.