While innovation may be the base of many startups and tech savvy organisations, there are still a few organisations such as insurance and banking that struggle when it comes to innovation.
With the changing times these 'conservative' organisations must learn to balance between innovation and regulation. The must adopt pro-innovations behaviours change their culture so that they can operate efficiently.
An article in ccl.org lists out a few points that can add some quick and creative innovation even to these conservative companies.
1) Instead of just agreeing to be innovative, top level management should take necessary steps to become innovative. Enough funding should be given for innovation activities and sustaining that even during the hard times.
2) Being innovative does not necessarily mean to being creative, even something that adds value to customers can be considered as innovation.
3) Managers should be ready to shed old methods and be ready to accept the newly proposed ideas.
4) Just because some one is proposing it, you do not have to accept it blindly, You can keep a track of from where the idea comes from and as well as the outcomes.
5) Even at times when there are senior leaders the company still may fall back, this is when 'quick wins' should be identified.
6) Most important aspect of being innovative is being thankful to those who contributed. This thanks can be said in a letter by giving annual awards in a ceremony.
Innovating is never easy, it is just that the scale of hardship varies from one to another. Making the choice of being innovative is an innovation in itself.