At one point in life time, everyone takes up a job, but how many of us are really passionate about what we do.
An article in asks to find a career that excites one to enrich one's life with a hobby. But how to find what you are passionate about?
'In several studies researchers have found that passion is a critical component of psychological well-being, goal-accomplishing and effective leadership,' the article explains and lists out a few steps to find out what you are really passionate about.
It points out to the technique adopted by Manon DeFelice, founder of Inkwell, who asks his clients about their high school senior thesis which often surprisingly points out to a current passion.
Chris Dorsey is another example that shows following passion can take one to greater heights. 'It’s remarkable how the more I give to conservation organizations, the more good things happen to me and my company,' Dorsey says. 'That has happened too many times to be coincidence.'
One more hurdle people face is that being unmotivated or unsure. In such instances scare yourself by trying something out of the way. Jolt your psyche to a place it has never gone.
Never give up on your passion on account of moneymaking. 'Take the money part out and focus on the zeal you feel for the activity,' the article suggests.