Decision making is very crucial in life, it can either make or break a person.
Sometimes people tend to over-think about the after effect of their decisions and get confused.
An article in lists out a few points which can be helpful in decision making.
Instead of spending what to wear or eat on the brink of the moment, plan it well in advance, even a day before.
Always see the positive things that happen in a day and recollect them whenever you feel low.
Before taking a decision foresee what will happen in the future if it fails and what are all the obstacles and modify the decision accordingly.
Consult your friends and associates before making a decision, use them as a sound board.
Always write down what you want to achieve. It should be achievable and practical and must merge with your goals.
If you are struck with one particular problem, try to deviate from it and take some time off, as this will reduce the stress and make you think better.
Even when you pursue your career, ensure that you don't compensate or give up on your passion.
Don't wait for long hours to take a decision, there will always be a chance to correct it on the course.
There will be one good decision which you will be proud of, write it down and make sure it is put somewhere visible. This will remind you that it was your decision which has got you where you are now.