Success is probably the most unique word ever, for it is given varied definitions by everyone. While each one of us have a different yardstick to measure this term, it is mostly on the same lines for those at the managerial level.
For them, it all ultimately boils down to numbers at the end of the month. And rightly so, this is what should matter in the true sense, for, what is the point of slogging when there are no results to show. However, experts say, that a truly successful leader is one who creates his or her own definitions of success.
A report in that talks about this, quotes a popular phrase from Kouzes & Posner, The Leadership Challenge, that goes “Leaders must know where they are going if they expect others to willingly join them on the journey.”
The report goes on to state that success lies beyond monetary definitions, and that it is more of achieving one's personal goals. These goals need not necessarily conform to societal expectations of success, it says.
Moving on, it is important that a positive leader is one who charts out a separate path for him, and is equally willing to take along his subordinates along. For this, the report asks managers to allot a fair amount of time to first have clarity on this very objective. It says, pose a few questions to self, and see how the heart and mind work in unison to get answers.
First is to question yourself on the way you want to be remembered. As it says, "What do you want to be known for? What do you want your life to have been about? What are you trying to do with your life?".
Next, what is the way by which you want to contribute something to the society, and what are the achievements you want to accomplish in the long run. Having a clear idea on these points, will help you to set a goal for yourself, and direct your work towards meeting it.