There always comes a time when you feel you are at the crossroads of life, a time when you are confused as to which road to take- the one that is less travelled or the easier one? How do you calm yourself down at this juncture, and come out of the phase with a clear mind? Providing insights into this, is a report in Forbes, written by the CEO and founder of Human Workplace, Liz Ryan.
In her reply to a woman who was doubtful of her 'employability', she says, “All of us experience a mojo drop at some point. We lose our confidence and we start to think that no one will hire us, but it’s not true”.
According to her, this is the time to venture into entrepreneurship. She therefore suggests few signs, that would indicate if you need to go back to your routine 9-5 job, or invest in a start-up.
The first, would be to check if one is getting increasingly intolerant of the happenings at the workplace. Do you want to give your senior an earful, for the work he or she has done or is about to do? Then, it it high time you put in your papers, and start working on being your own boss.
Next, you do not want to be bogged down by, what you feel are, unwarranted restrictions. Conforming to the organisation's rules is one aspect, and being dictated by the employer is another. If you belong to the latter category, there is no point in grinding the same axe the next day.
Apart from this, Liz also asks you to devote a certain amount of time to yourself. This will help get back your lost mojo, especially when you indulge yourself in activities like painting, gardening or even shopping!