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3P formula for success

For the completion of any task at hand, success and failure are equal possibilities. However, just because the fear of failure looms large over a project, does it mean we refrain from taking it up? No, we make sure we put in our best efforts to achieve the target. Here we shall see certain ways by which we can minimise the possibilities of failure.
For this, one must be aware of the '3P' formula, that is symbolic to Planning, Persistence and Patience. It is this magic mantra, if implemented effectively, can go on to ensure success in every little task you do.
First, let us analyse the planning step. To achieve any target, you must first identify the task at hand. Next fix a date as its deadline, and work towards its completion. For this, you must have a definite plan in mind, which will outline as to how you are going to approach the given work within the stipulated time.
It is here that popular writer Anne O'Dwyer, gives us suggestions in her piece for
She stresses on the fact that, even as you put your thoughts into action, what you must also do is simultaneously “dream of the project being completed”.“Imagine how you will feel when a said plan comes to fruition.
Dwell on this feeling with excitement, see the end result, feel the satisfaction and enjoy the completion of your dream in advance”, she says, asking people to “do this as many times in the day as you have spare moments, also repeat it night and morning in your sleepy transition period. Make it the first and last thing you think of and you will be setting in motion your plans”.
While some of you may think that is a worthless exercise to do, experts feel that doing this on an everyday basis, will ensure you are one step ahead towards achieving your ultimate goal. This is primarily because, everything is understood at the subconscious level. The mind helps you achieve your dream, Anne says. For this, one needs to do a little work everyday to ‘promote’ the dream.
She also adds, “Believe your dream will happen when planned, which is why you need a specific date. With persistence and patience doing everything you can to support your dream without too much willpower your dream will be getting nearer daily”.
The key is to work in accordance to the plan you have set for yourself. What is all the more important is that you need to check your progress every now and then, as otherwise it will lead to complacency. Every time you check how far you have done, identify where the work is slowing down and make amends right away. Only then will the goal be attainable.
It all boils down to ‘how much is the want’ of the particular target. Anne voices this opinion with her personal experience.
She says, “Working my plans as above I have achieved many goals, I have a little internet business, we winter in Spain, where it is warm and sunny. Years ago I earned a teaching certificate despite having no exams to my name 4 years previously. So if the need and desire are strong enough you can do it”.
So how does one go about mastering this 3P technique. Head straight to the boon of our times, the internet.  Or if your want real-time guidance, turn to an expert in the same field and get trained. Nothing beats practical learning, which also emphasises on planning, persistence and patience.