Expert in sourcing/procuring/Identification of suppliers and sub-contractors/Warehouse /Administration & Transport Operations....
Krishna Moorthy
BE(E.E.E) with 15years exp in Plant Maintenance. Exp in Assembly shop, Press Shop, Weld Shop, CNC Machines, Paint Plant, PU Foaming line(continuous), Utility Equipments, Experience...
Patmanabhan R
Production Planning. Vendor Management, Raw Material, Machine Planing, Stores, Dispatch Planing....
Arunpandian P
Production Planning and Control, Cost control, Waste control and management, Manpower Utilization, Machine Utilization, Inventory Management, Maintenance, MIS, Safety....
R S Lakshman Abhinav
Prodction Management Manufacturing Maintenance Management Logistic executive SCM...
Payroll/ESI/PF/Attendance Maintenance Training & development / Induction / Recruitment & Selection/ HR Operation & RP Visa Extension/Payroll & Statutory / Employee Welfare Payr...
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