One single person, no matter how talented he or she is, can’t possibly cover every part of the development effort, and of course this problem gets bigger as your work becomes more complex. This is known as Brooke’s Law.
A lot of managers, especially those that don’t have much technical experience, make the mistake of looking for this 'Rockstar'.
What you truly need is a unified, cohesive team that not only works well together but complements each other’s skills. This can actually be much harder to do than you might think, but it’s so important.
Another serious issue that not too many people think about when calling someone a 'Rockstar' is that it actually demoralizes the rest of the team. They start to feel less important, and less valued, and so their work will start to suffer.
So, how do we build an effective team?
* Being transparent is first on the list. When you show employees that you trust them enough to be open and honest, they will respect you and work harder for you. Remember, trust is a two-way street.
* Micro-managing at any level should be stopped. This is so damaging and many companies have got it wrong. If you’re micro-manage your employees, it’s a clear sign that you don’t trust them enough to do things on their own.
Once you have a good culture in place, I would recommend doing activities like going out for dinner with the team, organising a happy hour or just arrange for an informal chat.
Team building is not just good for the employees, it also has many advantages for the employers.
First, you will see a massive increase in productivity. The team will be flowing, and feeding off of each other. Your job as an employer is to step out of the way and let them run. You’ll also have more loyal employees, and you’d be surprised how many managers don’t appreciate this.
What most people don’t appreciate is how much effort went into keeping their culture strong while scaling so quickly. That’s so much harder than you might think.