How would you feel if you give your best in the job, yield results and still don't get recognised, worse being criticised. This is the exact scenario in almost all corporate offices, says an article.
In the article by Marc Chernoff, which was published in, the author says that the only thing his company motivated him to do was to quit his job.
The author lists down a series of problems that made him quit his old job and take up a new one.
First on the list is assigning short deadlines for projects with no other option left for the team, except to work overtime and worse not get paid for it.
The author says that employers only talk what they want and never listen to what the employees say. 'Employers constantly underestimate the time it takes to get things done,' the author points out.
One more problem is replacing someone of vast experience with a rookie and expecting the same result from the team.
When someone is working hard in a position, the employers reward them by keeping them in the same position for years without promoting them or giving them additional responsibility.
Employers promise the deadline to customer without any knowledge of how long will it take to get the work done. 'Also they give employees low raises because the more you save, the more higher your bonus,' the author mentions.
The biggest of all the problems is the employer, instead of offering to help hands-on, stays at a distance deliberately and provide support over e-mail.
Being partial also deters the spirit of the team members, allowing a few to work from home without reason and not permitting others. That liberty shatters the morale of the team.
If it is not for the mismanagement of companies, many good employees would still be working for them, the author says