So many of us stay comfortable, taking only the smallest risks for fear of failure. We are terrified of what will happen and what others will think, so we stay inside our tiny box.
We flatline, calculating that staying the course is safer than going after our dream. We remain unengaged in our jobs, unhappy in our relationships, and feeling insignificant in our world.
We start to limit our choices to only those actions that have a high probability of success. And so our choices become limited, and our field of play becomes smaller.
We are scared of failure when we want to try something big. Failing is not something that we should be ashamed of and here are few tips if you are ready to fail big.
* Find your why
Ensure that when you are ready to fail big, it should be worth that.
You can find your own why by reading a few books or you can work with a coach or other trained professional.
When you find your why, dont jump into immediately. Assure yourself that this is what you want so that even when you fail you would have learnt something.
* Visualise success
You have to be clear about what success looks, feels and tastes like.
Visualisation has been proven to lead to better outcomes, and it helps you become even clearer on your purpose.
Try journaling about what happens when you succeed. Write about what success feels like so you can remain grounded in what you are working toward.
* Strategise your vision
If your why involves leaving a job, don’t quit the next day; look at how much money you think you’ll need to save to achieve your goals.
As part of your strategy, create a board of advisors to support, challenge, and hold you accountable. Include people you trust, and plan to be vulnerable with them. Your board should throw your failure party.
* Have a survival kit
It is certain that you will learn when you fail, however it is also going to hurt. So be prepared to feel the pain and set your limitations and a remedy for the pain.
* Don't look back
Once you are fixed on a purpose, ensure that you travel straight ahead and never look back.
You are making a commitment. Put yourself out there, be fully aware of the chances of failure, keep success front of mind, and start living on purpose.
* Celebrate
Celebrating failure is critical because fear of failure is what holds us back.
Whether you succeed, and especially if you don’t, please remember to celebrate. This is the ultimate measure of successful failing: Admitting that you’ve failed and it hurts.
As you celebrate, collect what you’ve learned, think about what you’ll do differently as a result, and thank those who have helped along the way.