When you assign a number value to someone, they become boxed into that number. The way that managers – and then by extension colleagues – interact with them after a grade is given, is a direct result of their perception of what that number means.
This is why we need to move away from numbers and focus on something perhaps less numerically tangible but more meaningful.
Individual grades and your own performance are not what is most pertinent in the workplace. What matters most is the team, and a collective movement toward common and shared goals based on a value system.
Much like the process of human evolution, this is the evolution of the workplace. Things become obsolete as we begin to understand what works best, and what doesn’t work at all. The focus now is on putting employees at the center. Committing to the perpetuation of the fear-inducing annual review seems to go against the grain of humanizing the workforce.
* We’re moving away from a command and control environment towards self-organised teams and shared leadership.
It lets employees see and experience work life beyond the fear factor of this final review. There is much more room for growth, innovation, and creativity when one considers the purpose and the 'why' of what they do, rather than the consequences of it.
* It’s tough to break free from habits – especially since there’s something clean and simple about being able to tie up the whole year in a bow with a final review. Even if companies understand that the process is broken, the process of change is too heavy for many organizations to implement without clear directions for replacement.
If you want to survive as an organization and meet the needs of top candidates and the most forward-thinking talent available, it’s time to start thinking about putting the wheels of change into motion.
* Getting rid of the 'grade' is necessary for any successful learning environment, and what employees care about more than pay, or benefits is the opportunity to learn and grow.
The first step to accomplish this is constant communication, and the opportunity for year-long feedback, not once a year feedback.
* With the change of processes, we also need to change the language we use surrounding these processes. Words are full of meaning, connotation, and power, so organizations must consider the ones they use carefully – it will shape the culture of your company, as well as the energy and tone, and therefore how employees perform within it.
Courtesy: www.officevibe.com