One of the pre-requisites for the success of any organisation is having an effective leadership at its helm. History has shown that a 'good' leader can take his or her team to places, while an inefficient one can lead the group to doldrums. So how do we identify the ones who can be classified as those with good leadership skills? One way is to determine if the said person is a 'strong' or a 'coward' leader. Here are suggestions to help you out in this.
A strong leader is one who would take a daring front, with regard to the team and its decisions. For instance, if there is a target to be achieved or a deadline to be met, it is the leader who takes a call on this. On the other hand, a cowardly person would blindly adhere to the decisions made by the top management, without having any of his inputs put in.
Next, strong leaders are those who do not hesitate in picking up the right candidates, who show promise. In short, they go by their gut instinct, without fearing the consequences. The cowardly ones, however, do not feel comfortable with selecting resources who, they feel might surpass themselves in the near future.
Moving on, while weak leaders are reluctant to absorb ideas and incorporate the same in operations, confident ones make sure that each and everyone is heard, and their thought-process is involved in the work.
Strong leaders do not think twice before speaking up for their subordinates, while the opposite category would dare not go against the management, in fear of his or her own job. If there a policy proposed by the higher echelon, a good leader would ensure it is pro-employee, as he or she would have passed the same stage, before reaching this level.