As firms have looked to boost innovation, cut costs, or improve security, new IT job titles have been forged to catch attention and signal a possible way forward.
Here are a few newly focused IT positions that experts say may sound a bit strange but are needed in today's workplace.
* Cloud cost containment officer/negotiator
As the use of software as a service increases, companies are looking for someone to manage short-term and long-term cloud costs. This role typically requires someone with a mix of business and technical skills.
* CIoTO (chief IoT officer)
A chief IoT officer would be tasked with integrating new product development with the IT department, as new internet-connected products (and potentially systems across entire businesses) are developed.
* Data protection officer
As the EU preps for its data protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to go into effect next year, companies are considering whether they need new positions that will help them stay in compliance with the GDPR, which aims to provide digital privacy to those in Europe. One such title is data protection officer.
* Devops manager/VP of devops
Of the job titles here, devops managers are likely the most prevalent. There are thousands of postings for someone who can wrangle IT needs and development, with salaries ranging just below to mid six figures. Job descriptions list requirements like managing teams of engineers, tracking costs and tracking (and implementing) new technology.
* Penetration tester
Most IT pros say it’s not a matter of whether a company needs a penetration tester but what kind — and whether the hire is a full-time gig. Either way, the era of hackers on the payroll is upon us.
* Innovation manager
An innovation manager could wear different hats depending on the company — and some have argued innovation should be baked into each department as a matter of course. Nevertheless, the speed of change in business has some firms hiring an executive to keep an eye on emerging technology.
* Automation architect
Automation is, of course, an old tech standby, but as companies seek to automate their data centers, new challenges arise that require an actual human to address them. Job posting service ZipRecruiter says this job title saw nearly 500 percent growth from 2016 to 2017.