When you are about to finish college, there is plenty that will go in your mind regarding the first job of your life - salary, perks, medical benefits, work-life balance and others.
New graduates need those crucial insights into how to search for, find, and land that first job, especially since there is a lot that goes into it that college life didn’t prepare you for.
Here are a few important truths that you need to know about finding your first job.
* Deadlines in the corporate world differ significantly from those in college. When managers are keen to hire new people, recruiters don’t want to wait until all the applications come in. Most resumes, as we all know, get only six seconds of a recruiting manager’s time so turning yours in ahead of time may give you an early mover advantage.
There may be a deadline, but there’s never a call to wait till the due date.
* Fresh out of college, most of us know the importance of research and spend hours reading up on companies that interest us. But it’s imperative to remember that men can do more than machines when it comes to hiring. Never forget the importance of networking – formally, informally and through any channel. Stay connected with people through professional sites and at industry events.
* Learning to navigate water-cooler and office politics is extremely important, especially when you are a newbie. Despite the cool cafes, plentiful snacks and fun Fridays, workplaces can be complicated. There are cliques, gangs and double agents, and just like with your family, you can’t choose co-workers.
* Since the organisation’s success depends on your ability to collaborate, you need to hone your collaboration skills. It may have been 'I, me, myself' till now, but when you get a job you need to work toward the aims of the company. Teamwork allows sharing of ideas, lets people's strengths and weaknesses come to light, grows interpersonal skills and leads to efficient working of the organisation.
* Most of us are not natural born listeners, but experts say that the ability to talk less and listen more is a vital skill. This acquired skill can be enabled by another behaviour that's extremely common to young graduates – asking questions.
Questions are extremely good; they show you are paying attention and are willing to dig deeper. But there is a place and time for asking questions. Listen to all that your supervisor/colleague has to say and set up a convenient time to resolve all your queries.
* What you were told during the interview may not be all that you need to do while at work. Most of the activities you do on a daily basis may differ significantly than what you were told you needed to do. Never balk at exploring uncharted waters, for working across sectors, teams and projects can be a great opportunity to find your strengths and weaknesses, and advance your career.
* The moment an organisation brings you on to its rolls, you become an ambassador of the company. This means that everything you do – Facebook updates, Insta posts, midnighttweets and things you say to clients or managers - reflect on your employer. For a good first job experience, it's best to choose a brand that aligns with your passions.
Courtesy: www.content.monsteri