A year has passed. You are eagerly waiting for your appraisal and the good news of a promotion. Bang! The D-day finally arrives, but you return disappointed from the manager’s cabin. Reason- no promotion this time too.
What went wrong? For your benefit, here are a few reasons that should be considered and analyzed each time you miss out on getting promoted.
Firstly, are you the one who comes across as a negative person? For instance, if there is a new project or a task in the offing, and the team is debating on the pros of taking it up, do you reject the idea right away, citing various possibilities of failure? You might be of the opinion that this was a precautionary measure to avoid losses, and that you had actually helped the organisation, but to others this might seem as a pessimistic attitude of yours. It is these little things that will pop up in your boss’ mind, when he or she is deliberating on your promotion. So be positive at all time, you never know who is watching.
Second, what most employees fail to understand is that there is no substitute for hard work. Nothing else gives you an edge over others, than the amount of effort you put in for the progress of the company.
And remember, never ever think that your work is not being recognized. Every effort put in, little or big always catches the management’s attention, and will be an add-on to your list of achievements.
Next, one of the most under-rated acts at the workplace is the negative effects of being late to office. You might think, nobody is noticing. But they are, they are also keeping a tab on the number of times you are not on time to your desk.
This, although might seem like a fairly insignificant thing, it might actually prove to be a breaker during the appraisal time.
Moving on, another point to be kept in mind is to maintain one’s dignity at work. In this case, what we mean to say is do not use swear words or make a scene out of every small issue. One of the requisites of an ideal employee is to not lose one’s cool at any point of time while in office.
This apart from disturbing the peace of the working environment, also gives others a bad impression about the employee in focus.
Similarly, do not badmouth about others to your colleagues. You will have to cut a sorry figure in front of others, if all your gossiping sessions come out in public. This, however you may try, will ultimately find its way to the high command’s ears. If this is the case, do not be surprised if a promotion does not come your way that season.
As important as being punctual to office is, being groomed is equally necessary. Always be neatly dressed and presentable at your workplace. An unkempt look, with a hairy face will put people off you, and will deter your chances to be in the good books of those who matter.
One of the golden rules of being a potential candidate for promotion is to not indulge in below-the-belt shenanigans.
While you might feel a little comment here and a look there is harmless, it will actually blow up into a serious issue, at the most unexpected time. Once an incident of this kind occurs, you can forget your dreams of a job perk.
Last but not the least, never hesitate to ask for your rights. In companies where the management deliberately ignores your efforts and hard work, there is no harm in detailing your achievements