It is important to maintain a relaxed working environment to maintain the best of employees.
Having a more positive climate is in the hands of the managers.
While most managers feel that they are doing their best to keep the employees engaged, very few do that and actually start to have a negative impact on the business.
An article in lists out a few points that help to elevate the performance of your team.
Employees should be treated in the same way in which you expect your boss to treat you. Their concerns should be listened to and their achievements should be appreciated. Most of all the manager should lead by example.
Effective teams always work together and help each other with their work to reach their ultimate aim. Taking accountability will make the teammates empowered and motivated.
The base all these points form with trust. Team members should fully trust their managers and vice-versa. It is also important that the team mates trust each other, this will enable them to share ideas.
Trust can be achieved only when teams work in collaboration. This will give a platform for the employees to get to know each other and their working style.
The leader must know the strength and weakness of the team and should act accordingly.
The manager should be like a coach who corrects mistakes and provides inputs on the go to support the team.
This will also enable the manager to eliminate any deficit in the team and work around it. This will also reduce the chances of a negative impact.
'Great bosses in high performing organisations create coaching cultures where managers are held accountable for coaching their team and driving performance. They endorse coaching and model it (so walk the talk) from board level downwards. Leaders at every level are trained to coach proactively (and not only when they have to) whilst coaches are coached too,' the article states.
It is in the hands of an able boss to make and break a company and these points can come in more than handy.