Though we may find addition and subtraction easy in mathematics, in life, it may be difficult to subtract.
We keep adding things at home, more thoughts in our mind, new features to products and more services.
This seems easy, and hence, we do it fast. Yet, when we try to eliminate what we have accumulated, it is difficult to do so. Subtraction could be at the heart of simplicity and can drive us towards effectiveness.
Let us project simplicity, by staying prepared with the following questions & take action:
* Is our communication crisp and compelling?
In organisations that may be product-centric or service-centric, we communicate often with customers, using complicated ‘business speak’ or jargon.
These may be understood by the business professionals easily, however, may not be comprehensible for the customer, and in many instances meaningless.
Similarly, if we ask for too much information from customers, we may get none. Keeping the conversation simple, discussing benefits and methods that are practical will only make sense.
* Do we have sharp focus on few strengths?
Good organisations can easily ensure wins for their customers at all times, if they identify & quickly focus on few strengths that make a difference to them. Focus on just few things which mattered to the customers, to turnaround the company from near bankruptcy. When Lego examined its capabilities ,of what differentiated it from its competitors, it came down to few key factors.
The first, was the unique flexible materialthat the Lego bricks were made of, which seemed glued, yet, easy to take apart.
The second focus that made a difference was, to nurture the community of customers carefully, which had built around the brand consistently.
Such careful attention towards its customers, helped Lego, as an organisation, to maintain a steady growth over the last decade.
* How do we redesign customer touchpoints
Every organisation should take care, to empower its touchpoints.
Car insurance, is a key line of business, for every major insurance organisation.
It is observed that the insurance company, surprisingly, plays a very small role in the entire customer experience.
One such insurance player took up the responsibility, to improve the customer journey, by using personalised, end to end communication, through its touchpoints, for deeper engagement.
Simple updates, via text or email, was sent, about the kind of repair done, and when the customer would receive their car back. The multitouch points were also reduced, to the meaningful single source of contacts, who would speak directly with the customers.
The impact of this entire exercise proved to be positive when delighted customers responded immediately.
*Does technology enhance service?
We find technology, playing a great role, in every organisation of today and occupying the customer’s mindshare.
Disneyland is also no exception to this rule. It is very rare to see families complain about technology intrusion, when they quickly adapt to the RFID wristbands, audience profiling etc. at Disneyland.
Why do you think the acceptance is there? Though Disneyland is dependent upon the techno illusion, it communicates clearly & designs personalised and emotional experiences for the customer.
* Can we subtract the obvious and add the meaningful?
Do customer service organisations, bombard customers, many a time, with repetitive calls & redundant communication?
All this only adding to our confusion, anxiety & dissatisfaction.
Recently, an energy retailer Europe did away with outdated communication, and gave customers, the flexibility to inform about their move plans, when it suited them.
They could use various communication modes. This was a big reduction, from the earlier process, where customers could only inform 10 days before they moved.
The implementation saw a 50 per cent rise in customer satisfaction.