Most of us are guilty of procrastination. There are tasks that we have no trouble starting and completing ahead of time, and there are others that no matter how hard we try we still find myself scrambling to meet the deadline.
These can be eliminated with the help of the following tips:
* Finding the Right Approach
Stanford philosophy professor John Perry coined the term 'structured procrastination.'
The idea is that people procrastinate by doing the least important items on their to-do lists, so Perry suggests that we trick ourselves by moving our important tasks down our to-do list and our least important to the top.
This way when we procrastinate, we end up actually doing our most important tasks.
In a Big Think video, habit guru, Chalres Duhigg suggested that instead of denying yourself the urge to check Facebook, only to end up in a downward productivity spiral when the temptation becomes too strong, you should schedule those activities in your calendar so you can fulfill the urge and it doesn’t balloon out of control.
To achieve this you must dedicate a big block of time to procrastinate. You should ready to do multitasking which will save you some time and will also enable you to finish the work at hand.
Next you must be ready to spread the procrastination times throughout the day. By scheduling procrastination, you can schedule breaks, be guilt-free and recharged mentally.
There might be times when the allotted break time increases by a small time but that is not going to affect the result in a big way.