Of all the things that people don't like in a office environment, annual review meeting tops the list. However big or small an organisation is, these meetings are inevitable.
But recently many companies are doing away with these meetings as the younger employees show little interest in these slow paced reviews.
To put it in simple language, review meetings are destroyed by demographic changes and disruptive information technology.
An article in achieveforum.com lists out a few strategies which the companies can make use of to keep objectives in-line and make the employees execute the plans.
A slight modification in the pattern of the meeting can make it more interesting.
'Managers need to check in to prevent checking out. Touching base with direct reports weekly is fine. But, a critical element of those conversations is knowing the importance of weekly and monthly performance to annual goals, and then appropriately tying those conversations back to those goals,' the article states.
Managers should be more like coaches who coach the players through the game and not only at times. Any corrections, feedback should be done at the moment as it happens.
The younger lot of workers need more frequent feedback.
'Managers who want to lead millennials and Gen Z workers need to see the annual review as a one-time level set, and then coach workers weekly, daily and in real time toward the direction set by the review,' the article points out.