When you are comfortable in a job, but your colleagues start quitting and you wonder whether you should stay or quit.
If there is a decent pay and a reasonable growth, you may some times feel that you are ungrateful for quitting.
If you are stuck in between making such a decision, then here are some tips that might be helpful.
The first sign is day dreaming, if you are at work but still think of being somewhere else or do other stuffs than work, then it means that the job is not engaging enough.
If being easily distracted is the problem, then you may have to only focus on increasing your concentration. But on the other hand, if you have good focus yet easily distracted then get your resume ready.
Start listing down the things that would make you feel happy. If you are not happy because of something circumstantial then it can be solved by talking with your boss.
But most often people always list down problems that are connected to them which are holding them back. In such cases it is always better to build new skills, either by online courses or reading books relating to your interest.
The most important of all is the money factor. If your job pays you only to just meet your day to day expenses then it has to be changed.
People get anxious when they don't get paid well, making them under-perform ultimately resulting in hating their job.
It is either advisable to start rethinking about your expenses, but still if you feel unhappy it's time to let go without being bankrupt.