Most entrepreneurs face the challenge of running out of ideas at a point of time in their career and they start feeling drained.
Trying hard to get new ideas when you are already overloaded and tired can only worsen things.
An article in suggests a few points to get new and better ideas.
The first thing to do when you feel overworked is to take rest. Taking rest does not mean sleeping the whole day, it should be for atleast one hour and nothing else should be done during that period.
The article cites a research done at The University of Virginia by Dr. Timothy Wilson in 2014. 'The study had people in a quiet lab room for anywhere from 6-15 minutes. They had a choice. Relax with their thoughts or push a button to get an electric shock. The results showed that 67 per cent men and 25 per cent women chose the shock butting rather sitting and being quiet.'
The next method to improve your creativity is to do something out of your way. Do things differently from what you have been doing regularly.
'If you're a city lover, find a small town and spend a few hours exploring there. If you only read business books, get a racy novel,' the article suggests.
The article suggests to seek out conflicting ideas, which most people rarely do. Be in a place where people criticise your idol or the other way around, this will give you new ways of thinking and different perspectives.
The last in the list is to write out ideas or use crayons and paper to draw your thoughts, setting a timer will help to increase the flow of ideas.
Creativity is within self and it is up to the individual to use it effectively.