You are next in line for a promotion that is long overdue. But you are in for a shock, when the appraisal results are out. For, you have missed the opportunity this time too. As you sit down to analyse the reasons, you might be confused as to where you went wrong. It is here that you should see things from a different perspective.
A popular study recently revealed that 97% of managers have at least one career-limiting habit, a habit that keeps them from greater success or enjoyment in our career. The key is to first identify this habit, and then take appropriate steps in overcoming it. Coming to our help, that lists out few possible traits, that might very well be the obstacles.
The first is procrastination. This is a habit that is common not only among the managerial level employees, but among a majority of the workforce.
Why do we have a tendency to postpone? The primary reason is the fear of failure. Another is plain laziness. Both are equally disastrous. This can be easily overcome by taking few simple measures, that will ultimately make life a lot more easier. For instance, working with deadlines.
Only if we work towards a specific target, can the task be accomplished with far higher motivation.
Another possible reason is being narcissistic. If all you worry at work is how to complete self-goals, and how to earn that coveted appreciation from the management, then it is no surprise that you have little chances to make it further.
A successful manager is one who understands the importance of moving forward with the team as a whole.
As aptly puts it, "What’s wrong is that you’ve invested too little in becoming aware of the goals and opinions of others. Become more conscious and you’ll become more considerate".