According to a new research, the usage of emojis in official e-mails turns out to be a really bad habit. And it apparently kills the credibility of your work.
A team of researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel discovered that not only do emojis fail to convey the warm feelings people thought of communicating, but that they also decrease 'perceptions of competence.'
And they didn't come to this conclusion based on surveying just one office. In fact, this finding was based on responses from 549 people across 29 different countries.
This might sound familiar to some of you. And for those of you who are suddenly feeling embarrassed, you’re probably wondering what’s next for people like us.
Do we ignore the research and keep communicating with smiley faces to show our teammates that they have nothing to worry about? Do we go against what feels natural and ditch them altogether, even if that means that our emails suddenly take a much colder tone?
Well, the answer to both is actually a resounding 'yes.' And there are two parts to that answer.
For starters, you shouldn’t feel obligated to delete your emoji keyboard. There’s nothing wrong with having someone at work who understands that certain combinations of emojis mean that you need a snack break ASAP.
But for those message that address actual business issues, trust what the research says and save the wink face for more casual discussions.
After all, the researchers found that even a smiley that seems well-placed doesn’t replace an in-person smile.