Mindfulness is described as the state when the mind is completely present in the moment and is non-judgemental.
Apparently, apart from the various personal benefits that being ‘mindful’ provides, it also makes you an extremely effective leader, or so was stated by the modern age gurus and flagbearers of the movement during the Mindful Leadership Summit 2017 held in Gurgaon.
The core of the event was the message that the organisers and the speakers wanted to convey: Mindfulness will lead one to become a more effective leader. The speakers shared their own personal journeys, mostly about how stress at work affects people, and how they discovered meditation and how it potentially changed their mind, and consequently their lives.
Here are some of the crucial highlights from the event:
When one meditates, one centers themselves on something, and that is how you train your mind. Through regular meditation, one can train the mind to be calm.
* Empathy:
Once you meditate, you will learn to be observant and patient. Instead of being reactive, you will be responsive.
* Third person view
This will help the person to not to lose his cool in moments of crisis, but actually being able to help and guide others.
When one meditates, he is taught not to force himself into silence but to watch his thoughts and not to interfere. This particular quality which develops over time as one begins to view things instead of being involved leads one to develop a ‘third person view’.
* Being authentic
Meditation, apart from the other things, most essentially lets helps you bear your own soul to yourself. It puts you in a situation, where you can enter into a dialogue with yourself, and you can bring down the barriers you might have subconsciously placed in your mind. And there is nothing you can do except resolve it, leading to empowerment in life.
* From conscious individuals to conscious organisations
A more aware person takes better decisions. Similarly, for any organisation which has scores of such people, it will be in a position to take better decisions as well.
Courtesy: www.peoplematters.in