The best performers in all domains have a common pathway to continual growth. They take on challenges with recovery and reflection.
They continue the same process however with a slightly greater challenge.
If we wish to get better at anything, we need to stress ourselves, pushing beyond our current limits. Studies show that both the body and the brain respond to stress by becoming stronger.
However it is also important that enough rest is given for the brain to recover.
Coach of world-champion triathletes Matt Dixon says that what separates the best from the rest is, well, rest. 'Anyone can work,' he says, 'But it takes real courage to rest.'
Even the late mathematician David Goss said that his groundbreaking ideas hardly ever occurred when he was at the chalkboard, but rather, they occurred when he was taking a break by exercising or daydreaming.
It can take guts to do, but there is real magic in stepping away. Though it may seem paradoxical, after a certain point, it’s not hard work that is the key to improvement. It’s rest. It’s only when we step away?—?nothing more powerful than when we sleep?—?that both our bodies and brains rebuild and strengthen.
It is during rest that hormones like testosterone and HGH are released, making us more resilient to future challenges. For our minds, it is during daydreaming, mind-wandering, and relaxation that our subconscious has the opportunity to kick in, helping us generate moments of insight. And it’s during sleep that our brains process, consolidate, connect, and store all the information we were exposed to during the day.
Take a moment to reflect on your goals. These can be professional, creative, athletic, or even having to do with growing in relationships.
Finding the right balance of stress and rest in your pursuits is perhaps the most promising?—?and just as important, sustainable?—?way to improve and grow.