To make everyday one of your masterpieces you have to focus on what you are doing at present to the best of your ability.
It is developing the idea of what should be done today to make a better tomorrow.
The best way to apply this wisdom is to apply it to the present moment.
Coach Wooden makes it a point to state that you cannot make up for today's lack by working twice as hard tomorrow.
'By tomorrow, today’s masterpiece opportunity is gone. Moreover, if you could work twice as hard tomorrow, why wouldn’t you work twice as hard today?,' he questions.
The masterpiece strategy is preparation and discipline. A clearly defined set of goals makes a person free of distraction.
The coach also includes self control on his pyramid of success to help execute the strategy.
Part of that good judgment and common sense essential for a masterpiece day includes thinking about the immediate needs of other people, too.
Discipline yourself, stay focused on it here and now without being distracted. Another important aspect is to help your fellowmen to achieve success as well which will also make your day a masterpiece.