The one thing that never gets exhausted is love. Who would not want a little bit of affection from others? However, do all of us receive the care and love we crave for? What about the ones who don't? In most cases, those who fall in this category end up turning depressed and sensitive.
It is in this juncture that we need to keep one aspect in mind. Love the self.
This is explained in detail by Angel Chernoff in her blog,
Using herself as an example, Angel recollects her experiences that have shaped her frame of mind.
She says, “There was a point in my life when I felt lousy about my appearance. I was insecure to say the least and I saw myself as too flabby, too weak, too this, and too that. Yet I fantasized about other people seeing me as an extraordinary individual worthy of being loved and cared for as I am”.
Terming this attitude as 'silly', she puts forth the most important point.
She asks, “Why am I dreaming of others offering me the emotional support I was directly withholding from myself?”.
It was this query that brought a sea of change in her, it is learnt.
Quoting the popular phrase- You cannot truly love anyone if you are unable to love yourself first, Angel says she decided to incorporate certain practices that would help her to love her self. Remember it is not easy to develop a positive attitude overnight. One must be ready to face a long haul ahead.
One of the methods used by Angel is the ever-dependable trial and error method. The next, being guided by the right person in the right path. Surround yourself with optimistic people, who can lighten up your day. This will slowly enable you to see the sunny side of life and ultimately love yourself. Happy loving!