Every organisation for its effective functioning, needs one person to be the captain of the ship. The significance of a person to play leader is usually undermined in many firms, primarily due to the absence of a charismatic leadership. It is basically most managements do not appoint effective players who are capable to steer the team forward. They cannot be blamed for the situation though, as it is the lack of deserving candidates these days. Here we present to you the importance of one person to assume the leadership role in companies, and what he or she needs to be equipped with, in order to be worthy of the post.
Firstly, one has to debunk the myths that are associated with what the industry calls, ‘leadership qualities’. A majority of employees are of the opinion that to be a leader, one needs to be well-qualified, with preferably a management degree for the records. While one such degree might certainly help in terms of career prospects, what many fail to understand is that, educational qualification is not all what is needed to be a leader.
In addition to the degree behind one’s name, there are various other traits that if imbibed, can go a long way in honing one’s leadership skills. Here are some of these.
According to HR experts, secondment is one of the most popular, but under-valued task one can undertake in his or her career. While it may sound surprising, considering its huge market risk, what they say is, a temporary transfer to another position or employment, can do wonders for oneself on a personal and professional level. Apart from enabling the employee to have a well-deserved break in the midst of a monotonous professional routine, it also helps to view the previously-held job in a different perspective. So all you folks out there, never mind the risk. Be ready to take the plunge and see the results.
Next, offering oneself to lead a project. For those who prefer to stay in the backdrop at the workplace, it might be intimidating to be called to lead a task or project of significance. However, herein lies the key to come out of one’s shell and discover hitherto qualities that may help in the making of a leader. Experts argue that such an activity might hone several skills includingplanning, communication, negotiation and budget management.
Another important aspect that tends to be overlooked by many is the need of mentor. Every other person, irrespective of their hierarchial position, needs to be guided in the right way. And who else can be a better guide in one’s attempt to be a leader, than one who has been there and done that. But selecting the right person might a difficult choice, as bad company can bring one to downfall.
The next is a rather interesting suggestion. Every company, either as part of its corporate social responsibility or to encourage the development of business skills among the younger generation, engage in activities such as conducting programmes to promote managerial skills. This must be taken as an opportunity by an aspiring leader to develop oneself. Experts advise young employees on this front- by volunteering and sharing your expertise to others, you end up sharpening your own.
Lastly, there is another activity that can be considered as a classic way to climb up the career ladder. It is the art of reading, that is unfortunately forgotten by today’s generation. This is a sure-shot way to empower oneself, feel many, as even if one were to read a fraction of the huge volume of resources available, he or she is certain to have an edge over others.