It’s high time that the Indian corporate world wakes up and realise that the market won't ever be local again, and business leadership ought to adapt and propel according to this change
The present day enterprises can be divided into two major categories--the ones that need to profit while they are young (start-ups) and the ones that never want to age (older enterprises).
Either way, business accentuation is about being deft and nimble enough to rapidly react to developing market openings.
Today’s market leader is controlled by how varied and successful these resources are.
In India, workforce diversity is about ethnic foundations and geographical origins. Technologies aren't limited to organisations any longer and organisations are conceived worldwide.
Diversity needs expertise and social leadership is about craftsmanship.
Leadership must redefine the culture and ensure every employee in the company reflects a fresh outlook.
This can be enforced by the following:
* Hire invigorating and bolder individuals who are skilled and complement your present culture. They are the ones who might challenge status quo and subtly graduate your present culture. Culture is about influencing others and getting impacted by others.
* Encourage controlled, level-headed discussions and pressures to think beyond comfortable environments.
* Accept differences in opinions. Prepare groups to shun ego and be more inclusive of differing opinions.
* Limit hiring of individuals who believe in acting within watertight compartments. Rather, search for individuals who are about ‘getting things done’.