Arghaa HR Technologies flagship division of Arghaa HR Solutions LLP is a Management Business Process Organization managed by highly stupendous professionals from across industries, is bound towards facilitating Organizational Renovation, Managing Human Side Changes eventually creating.
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How to manage your time better

More hours don’t equate to being better. Treat the hours in your day with utmost respect, and remember that sometimes doing less gets you more. If you feel that your day is no longer yours and you have too much to do at the end of the day then these tips can help to get back your life. 
* Your most precious asset is your time. Don’t allow others to control it by allowing open scheduling, letting them determine that you need to be at meetings. Ask more questions like, Do I need to be there? What can we do by email? Fiercely protect your time and use it wisely.
* If you are an entrepreneur or in a high-volume job, the work will never get done. It’s just built that way. Decide when you’ll start and end your workday—and respect it by marking your calendar or setting an alarm on your phone.
* Breaks recharge our brains and make us more productive, so take more recess. Also, if your job requires sitting, get up every hour and move around—away from the computer. And do something different and interesting on the weekend to get out of your routine and get a new outlook.
* Instead of rushing into things think what matters most this week and today. Then start determining what can wait, what can someone else do, how to replace a meeting with sharing information through email, and what can be reduced from a one-hour discussion to a phone call. Be deliberate about your week.
* If you have an event or meeting that might be stressful for you, build in time beforehand to pause, prepare and really feel that you are ready. Your schedule doesn’t have to be back-to-back.
* An unfinished to-do list can make you feel that you came up short and that you need to work longer to make some progress. But this is a great way to recognise that you have accomplished a lot and to give yourself permission to end your day.