Creating a world-class team requires building a culture rich in collaboration and teaming.
A remote team has the potential to engage all employees to provide a variety of learning opportunities and to be a leader in building collaborative solutions for organisational success.
The quality of interaction between such teams depends on their etiquette and by improving it you can reap rich results.
The following lessons are applicable to the internet, mobile, and video technology forms of remote team meetings. By applying these etiquette lessons, you as a leader of a remote team will be able to improve the effectiveness of the meetings.
* Set expectations
There are three main parts to setting expectations. First is setting goals, second is defining roles and responsibilities, third is identifying the team’s decision–making method.
It can be either of these three. The first one is by consensus. The second style is unanimous, and the last form is when the leader or management takes the decision in which the team has no real decision- making power or authority.
* Ensure that you as a facilitator are equipped with skills
In a face-to-face setting, you can steer the situation by taking cues from the body language and the level of participation. In a remote scenario, the skills are tested to the hilt, and you must be ready to run these meetings.
As a leader you must be skillful in these areas:
* Facilitation and coaching:
You must be adept in giving accurate, constructive, developmental feedback; respecting confidentiality, and giving proper attribution of ideas.
* Communication:
Paraphrasing; identifying sources on remote team calls
* Cultural sensitivity:
This skill ensures that language in spoken and written form is carefully managed to achieve clarity of meaning.
Tips include:
* Avoiding idioms, acronyms, and jargon.
* Avert the use of slang expressions.
* Be careful when using analogies.
* Tell stories instead of using humour.
* Check frequently for understanding.
* Speak slowly and clearly.