In this fast moving world we more often tend to capture a moment rather than living the moment.
This urge has increased after the arrival of social media platforms. This habit has got so attached to us that no more feel it to be an alien.
Most of us keep thinking of a better moment when we actually have the best moment right in front of us but fail to realise it. In the present scenario we can't even sit quite for a small period and have the urge to check our phone for status and messages.
But have we ever thought how will it be if we could just live in the moment and enjoy it as it is?
An article in reveals a few points that can make you appreciate the present moment for what it is.
When you start looking what could be or what might be you ignore, it is the current moment.
Forget everything else and remind yourself of how fortunate you are to be in this moment.
Do not try to over do the moment and take one step at a time.
Wealth is a mindset and want less and appreciate more in this moment.
Whatever position you hold or how much ever you have achieved treat yourself as a beginner.
Never compare yourself with others and always try do your best and beat it.
Always be genuine and focus on the moment.