Arghaa HR Technologies flagship division of Arghaa HR Solutions LLP is a Management Business Process Organization managed by highly stupendous professionals from across industries, is bound towards facilitating Organizational Renovation, Managing Human Side Changes eventually creating.
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How to hire?

Being an entrepreneur is one of the toughest jobs in the world, things are all the more difficult when it comes to hiring an employee in the operation. 
Though it may seem quite easy, it can be a deciding factor on the growth and the decline of the company. 
Amy Anderson, in her article in, talks about the three rules that the author learnt from hiring the wrong person.
The first thing we do when we hire someone is asking for referrals from their previous employers. 
The author suggests asking more questions, as this will give an indepth analysis of the candidate and will also make it clear whether the person fulfills your expectations. If yes, we can continue to the next step, if no, then why even bother to call for an interview. 
Never ever hire someone out of emotion. We all want to help someone who is struggling or because we find them funny or interesting. But what should be looked in to is whether they will fit in the job that is being offered to them. Always hire persons for what you need and not what you like. 
The most important of all is being honest. Learn to accept your weakness and make sure that you tell the employee clearly what you expect from them. There is no point in yelling at them when they are not sure what you want. There are certain things that your employee can't do and you will have to adjust accordingly. 
There is not point in blaming an employees, after all it is you who has hired them. but in the meantime you can always find talented persons who can take your business to next levels.   