Procrastination is the biggest problem that plagues most of us. An article in lists out a few tips and tools to overcome this.
Before we reorganise our life, it is important to understand what is important and what is not and the rescue time app comes in handy for this purpose. It runs in the background of your computer and mobile and tracks the time spent in various applications and on specific websites.
The next step is using a flowchart approach starting with 'have I made an action plan' question which will lead you to the productivity.
If you are a person who wants to straight away get on with results then 'write or die'. The ios and web apps start to delete your writing if you pause for too long.
Though there are many ways to block distracting websites and apps, Freedom is recommended. Simply choose your productivity drains, choose when you’d like to block them, and the app – for OS, iOS, and Windows – won’t let you access them.