With the advancement of technology more and more people have been able to make a career out of their passions and hobbies.
This is mostly because people have become brave enough to choose personal happiness over what they feel they are supposed to do.
However there are a few who are still wondering how to pursue their passion.
An article in success.com suggests a few ways to turn your passion in to a job.
If you feel that your job keeps you in a cubicle always, talk to your boss about it and schedule and let them know you are interested in traveling. This will enable you to see and do things in the city after work or early in the morning. You could also help someone who does not want to travel.
Or maybe you’re a creative and your job keeps you working in spreadsheets all day. Create a side project and show your team how it could benefit them and the company.
The crucial aspect of following your passion is by managing time. Countless people have turned their passion into a full-time pursuit because they got started before and after work. You might think that it takes a specific type of person to be able to pull that off, but the truth is anyone can if they dedicate the time to doing it.
Take a moment to observe how long you need to do each task throughout the day. Write it all down for a comprehensive view.
This will help you analyse the extra time you spend of less important things which could be saved to do something you are passionate about.
It is all about how mentally tough and determined you are to follow your passion. Think about how badly you want to follow your passions and really feel satisfied with your life.